Bila Saya Membeli Produk Dear Me Jewelry di Marketplace atau Whatsapp, Apakah Saya bisa mendapatkan Dear Me Points?

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Tentu saja! Kamu tetap mendapatkan Dear Me Points ketika kamu membeli produk Dear Me Jewelry di Website, Instagram, Whatsapp maupun di semua platform marketplace Dear Me Jewelry seperti Tokopedia, Shopee, Blibli, Lazada dan Tiktok.

Untuk pembelanjaan di website, penambahan Dear Me Points akan dilakukan secara otomatis apabila kamu sudah menerima barang dan transaksi kamu sudah berhasil. Namun, pembelanjaan di luar dari website kami, kamu harus 👆mengisi form👆 (maksimum pengisian formulir dengan waktu pesanan kamu adalah 30 hari) dan Dear Me Points kamu akan di update ke akun kamu maksimal 7 hari kerja.

English Version

If I buy Dear Me Jewelry products on the marketplace or Whatsapp, can I earn Dear Me Points?

Of course! You still get Dear Me Points when you buy Dear Me Jewelry products on our Website, Instagram, WhatsApp or on all Dear Me Jewelry marketplace platforms such as Tokopedia, Shopee, Blibli, Lazada and Tiktok.

For purchases on the website, the addition of Dear Me Points will be done automatically if you have received the goods and your transaction has been marked as successful. However, for purchases outside of our website, you must 👆fill out the form👆 (maximum filling the form with your order time is 1 month) and your points will be updated by our staffs within 7 working days.

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